Sunday, February 15, 2009

गहरा सच्चा रंग

कौन सा रंग अपनाओ मैं यह सब बताने को
इतने सारे किस्से, और इतने कम रंग

सवालों के लाल रंग क्योंकि
इन्हें देख कर लोग भाग जाते हैं

जवाबों के कई रंग होते हैं

सच्चे जवाब का रंग पारदर्शी
झूठे जवाब का स्याह कला
मन बहलाने वाले जवाब का रंग पीला
मन मचलने वाले जवाब का रंग नारंगी
जो जवाब होश उडा दे उसका रंग नीला
और जो जवाब होश वापस लाये वोह रंग हरा

बाकि जवाब इनके ही मिले जुले भाई बहन होंगे

हम हर रोज़ होली खेलते हैं
रंग में अपनी ज़िन्दगी को रंगीन करके
खुश होते और मुस्कुराते हैं

मेरे लिए जरूरी यह हैं की
जो रंग हो मेरे जवाब में, वोह सच्चा हो
वोह जवाब अपना रंग न बदले
समय के साथ अपना चरित्र न खोये

हे रंगों, मेरा प्रणाम स्वीकार करो
अपने इन्द्रधनुष से दुनिया को रंगबिरंगा रखो

--- संदीप नागर

Monday, February 9, 2009


I extensively examined the literature about Che Guevara during past few days. For sure he was an individualist and honest man: to be put correctly he was the "right" man. I say this because he hated the concept of one man taking advantage of other. Men, whom i rather term parasites (organisms which live at the expense of other immorally), were his problem.

3 movies give more or less a complete picture of who Che was. Motorcycle diaries+Che part1+ Che part2.

Che turned red eye to capitalism because, world at his time, only saw parasites germinating from capitalism (another form of collectivism). So communism was the only way he could turn to. Had he lived long enough, he would have seen how communism breeds worst strain of parasites. He was more right than any other leader of his times. Any kind of oppression was unbearable to him.

Those who blind-worship Che for communism fail to recognize that he was an individualist. A free spirit. Otherwise why should he leave a cozy life in Cuba and go to Congo or Bolivia. He didn't went there not to relieve the country out of dictators. He went there to satisfy his inner self (hence an individualist) which abhorred any censor on freedom to a man.

I wish his spirit of freedom lives long. I wish people love his ideals more than his symbols. I wish people understand true Che.

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