Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Recently a dear friend of mine, Atousa, posted "to be honest 1+1=1" as her Facebook profile status. This seemingly funny expression, easily ignorable as a mistake, did interest me at that very moment and i went ahead to ask what does it mean (since i could take out many many meanings out of it). Instead i was asked to put up various meanings i could take out from this expression and I went ahead with some within few minutes, like:

  1. a man and a woman in love
  2. right hand side one is bigger than two left hand side smaller ones
  3. paradox of life like life don't follow strict logic
  4.  "to be honest" one has to accept that 1+1=1 will come along this way i.e. dishonesty will come their way and they would have to live with it
  5. however high you add up things and people in your life, you end up same i.e alone in life
There can be numerous other imaginative meanings of this expression. Mathematically it might be incorrect, but this expression holds tremendous power in imaginative world.

The fun part began today when she wrote a new status saying "to be even more honest 1+1+1=1" and here a whole new world of branched imaginations sprouted out of last days arguments. While readers may independtly post their own imaginations, i would like to post few of mine which i could come up within 5 minutes right now:
  1. power of one
  2. read between the lines as in "middle finger salute"
  3. singularity
  4. After some time, a"+" becomes "=" as in, after some time, you have to conclude instead of keep adding things for infinity.
  5. love of being single
  6. boasting solitude
  7. there is only "one" chance
  8. Everything adds up to one single fact, the singular ultimate and absolute truth
  9. To transform from "honesty" to "even more honesty", one has to take "one" more step.
  10. Add up as you may, it will result the same
  11. To add is to fool yourself (metaphor related to "things" in life)
This game is turning interesting now. As i proceeded to another level, i question what would it mean if we replace all symbols with another ones like "multiply", "divide", "substract", and logical symbols of "union", "intersection" etc.

This blog will expand as i get more ideas on each symbol and it will further expand when i increase the series with mixture of symbols.

Please feel free to put up your imagination in the comment section.

1 comment:

GAS said...

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