Monday, September 28, 2009

मेरा अपना रावन

मेरा अपना पर्सनल रावन आज थोड़ा थोड़ा जल जाएगा
मेरा राम ही उसे जलाएगा

सो आज शाम मैं मनन  करने बैठूंगा
लेखा जोखा खोला जाएगा
एक पूरे साल के कारनामो को
राम और रावन में बँटा जाएगा

राम अपने हिस्से से रावन को मारने का समान खरीद लेता हैं मुझसे
और रावन मरने से पहले पूरी टक्कर का समान जुटा लेता हैं
मरना तोह हैं पर युद्घ जरूर करता हैं

क्या रावन को मालूम हैं की वोह मरेगा ?
जब मैने रावन से यह पुछा तोह वोह हँस के बोला,
अबे, अगर पिछले साल मैं मर गया होता
तोह इस साल तू राम को याद करता!
अगर मैं मर जाता तोह राम भी ख़तम हो जाता
राम का अस्तित्व मुझसे ही हैं
मुझे जिस दिन पूरा मार दोगे तोह राम की जरूरत ख़तम हो जायेगी
और अगर मैने राम को मार दिया तोह
तुम्हें रामायण फिर लिखनी पड़ेगी और
हिंदुत्व के ठेकेदारों को मेरी आरती उतरनी पड़ेगी
फिर लंका में मेरा मन्दिर बनाना पड़ेगा
इसलिए बस चुप चाप यह मान लो
की "राम ने रावण को मार दिया"
मिठाई खाओ और खुशियाँ मनाओ

मैं बोला की सुन रावण, यूँ चुप चाप बात मानने का आईडिया मुझपे नही चलता
सच सच सब कुछ बता की यह खेल क्या हैं

वोह घम्भीर होके बोला, की बेटा खेल समझना हैं तोह अपने अन्दर देख
मैं दिख रहा हूँ ?
मैं बोला हाँ, तू दिख रहा हैं
और यह क्या!
तू तोह राम का हाथ पकडे बैठा हैं
तुम दोनों में यारी कब हो गई?

वोह बोला की बेटा अब तू राज़ समझ गया
हम दोनों तोह भांड हैं
हर साल खेल खेलते हैं
लोगों का मन बहलाते हैं
लोग भी खुश की रावण मर गया
उनको भी कुछ न कुछ तोह मारने को चाहिए
बेजान ज़िन्दगी की भडास इसी बहने निकल जाती हैं

पुतले नही जलते दुशेहरे पे
हमारे ही कुछ हिस्से जल मरते हैं
ताकि नए सिरे से रावन को राम में बदल सके
अगले दुशेहरे के लिए ...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stockholm syndrome


Above link explains Stockholm syndrome in psychological context. I feel it can be extended to almost all part of human behavior, mob as well as individual. Let me explain a bit.

1. GOD

Biggest reason to write this article was to investigate how does GOD got so popular, even after we have witnessed so many dark consequences in his/her name.

This concept abducts and hostages individual usually in childhood. But as we grow up, we starts to question. Here comes the crucial stage when it becomes more and more inconvenient to question existence of GOD. Isn't this a glaring example of Stockholm syndrome. Most of us, join the others supporting the existence and reap the benefits of being within the mob event at the cost of our own reason. This is done after recognizing the irrationality in the whole argument against the existence. What else can explain this behavior if not Stockholm syndrome. Religions, Classes, Castes etc etc , these are just the projections of this behavior and we all have seen the consequences. Still masses disapprove to get out of abductor. They feel enraged to talk against the hostage taker. Hostages go for war in the name of their abductor. We learned from history that we never learned from history. Mass human behavior has no significant evolution along with physical evolution. Faith-based-hijacking of reason has dominated all ages of human history.


When science is treated as religion (blind following, no questioning!), this phenomenon is observed amongst scientific community. Followers of Pre-quantum mechanics, opposed the new-science as vehemently as any religious group. Love and respect for the abductor which has been nurtured over the schooling and university years made them so adamant to disapprove the new inconvenient concepts that they ridiculed and opposed it even after understanding the truth. Even so-called men of reason hide behind faith-based arguments when confronted with an opposing view and then to make things more worse, they try to impose authoritarian hierarchy into scientific community. This behavior clearly indicated the infection of Stockholm syndrome.


This ideas also applies to the parent-child relationship. When we are children, we usually idolize our parents. Slowly we realize that they are also full of faults. Here comes the major turn towards maturity. Whether we give in to our irrationality due to our deep love for them or whether we turn the tables upside down and come to terms that they CAN BE WRONG, makes a hell lot of difference the way we approach our future. West boast about getting away from this problem but do they actually manage that, or do they become the same for their own children unknowingly. If not then that society must have become entirely rational by now. It didn't.


Many of us are stuck with jobs we don't like. We keep convincing our self against freedom. Again the hostage taker (The Job) wins most of the times, except for few who manage to pursue what they like the most.


Same arguments as in section for parents. But I must clarify that there is a difference between these two cases. We don't choose our parents but we do choose our family. We decide who to marry and how to continue with the family making process. It does not behave as a hostage-taker if the decisions has not been based on compromises and instead based on true mutual understandings. Since i consider friends within the family so the argument goes the same for them.


This is the case of business institutions. Most of them are established by creative men in search of inventing better tools than existing at their time. But soon the mirage of monitory profit acts as a hostage-taker and people who have no idea of real production, MANAGES and decides the market strategies for the new inventions. Almost all business houses end up striving for monopoly using patents, sabotaging competitors and whoring law/governments. What started as a game for being creative and advancing human civilization ends up in doing opposite and they also show great resistant towards any attempt to free from their hostage. They would make more money doing opposite but probably that's tougher choice and hence not smart enough :)

So then the main question which arises is that, Why do we observe this behavior? What does abductor fill up which satisfies hostage?

As i see, following is the list of attributes being filled up for different abductors:

1. God fills up greatly the identity crisis. It also fill up to great extent the feeling of companionship in hard times. It gives aid to the sense of belonging to a mob for mutual security [social, political, economical, psychological and many other...als :) ]

2. In the case of Science, It fills up the false notion of having respect from others for what we know. If a new science has to change that then they feel threatened to loose their status and the respect associated. Feynman gave an excellent interview in this regard.

3. Parent's case is much more straightforward. Childhood learning period shapes the whole personality and its most difficult to reverse/turn some other away. In many cases the nature of this phenomenon is entirely innocent.

4. Job gives security in many senses and hence this case is very obvious.

5. This has same arguments as the section for Job. Compromise based family is nothing but a series of Stockholm syndromes in succession and inter-twinged so heavily that after some time, people start to ignore it since its too heavy to recognize and live with.

6. Monetary profit secures future and satisfies the individual desire of superiority amongst fellows.

To get out of this loop and see a birds eye view of this whole situation, it took me whole 3 months...Now that i know it, i am free off it :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

आज बारिश हुई हैं

आज बारिश हुई हैं
मेरे आसमान ने जी भर के पानी बरसाया
और मेरी ज़मीन ने भी सारा का सारा अपनाया
कुछ फूल खिलने के इंतज़ार में थे
कुछ सूखे पत्ते बहने की इंतज़ार में थे
और मैं बारिश की सुगंध की राह में बैठा हुआ था
वोह महक जो ज़िन्दगी वापस लती हैं
वोह महक जो माहोल महकती हैं

बारिश हमें शायद यह ही सिखा जाती हैं की
ज़िन्दगी नए रूप में बार बार आती रहेगी
अपनी जिंदा फुहार बरसाती रहेगी
हमें बस उसके लिए तैयार रहना हैं
और बारिश में झूम झूम के कहना हैं
"बारिश तेरा शुक्रिया"

बारिश की बूंदों की बातें सुनने और समझने की कला
हमें ज़िन्दगी से मिला जाती हैं
और सिखा जाती हैं की
ज़िन्दगी बार बार बहार लगेयी
हर जीत का जशन बारिश की बूंदों की तरह
पुराने गिले शिकवों को धो जाएगा
और मैं फिर तय्यार हो जाऊँगा
एक नई ज़िन्दगी के लिए

Saturday, May 23, 2009

मेरा आज

मौसम बदलते रहे 
हम सरकते रहे
और यहाँ पर आ पहुंचे
जहाँ पर मेरे अलावा बस एक और इंसान की जगह है

एक इंसान जिसे ज़िन्दगी के मायने समझाने नहीं पड़ते 
जिसके साथ हिसाब किताब नहीं करना पड़ता
जिसकी रूह की खुशबु से दिन महक जाता है 
और मैं पूरा हो जाता हूँ
वोह भी पूरी हो जाती है
और एक पूरी ज़िन्दगी बन जाती है कुछ ही पलों में

मौसम तोह फिर भी बदल जाते है अब
पर अब सरकना नहीं पड़ता

Sunday, February 15, 2009

गहरा सच्चा रंग

कौन सा रंग अपनाओ मैं यह सब बताने को
इतने सारे किस्से, और इतने कम रंग

सवालों के लाल रंग क्योंकि
इन्हें देख कर लोग भाग जाते हैं

जवाबों के कई रंग होते हैं

सच्चे जवाब का रंग पारदर्शी
झूठे जवाब का स्याह कला
मन बहलाने वाले जवाब का रंग पीला
मन मचलने वाले जवाब का रंग नारंगी
जो जवाब होश उडा दे उसका रंग नीला
और जो जवाब होश वापस लाये वोह रंग हरा

बाकि जवाब इनके ही मिले जुले भाई बहन होंगे

हम हर रोज़ होली खेलते हैं
रंग में अपनी ज़िन्दगी को रंगीन करके
खुश होते और मुस्कुराते हैं

मेरे लिए जरूरी यह हैं की
जो रंग हो मेरे जवाब में, वोह सच्चा हो
वोह जवाब अपना रंग न बदले
समय के साथ अपना चरित्र न खोये

हे रंगों, मेरा प्रणाम स्वीकार करो
अपने इन्द्रधनुष से दुनिया को रंगबिरंगा रखो

--- संदीप नागर

Monday, February 9, 2009


I extensively examined the literature about Che Guevara during past few days. For sure he was an individualist and honest man: to be put correctly he was the "right" man. I say this because he hated the concept of one man taking advantage of other. Men, whom i rather term parasites (organisms which live at the expense of other immorally), were his problem.

3 movies give more or less a complete picture of who Che was. Motorcycle diaries+Che part1+ Che part2.

Che turned red eye to capitalism because, world at his time, only saw parasites germinating from capitalism (another form of collectivism). So communism was the only way he could turn to. Had he lived long enough, he would have seen how communism breeds worst strain of parasites. He was more right than any other leader of his times. Any kind of oppression was unbearable to him.

Those who blind-worship Che for communism fail to recognize that he was an individualist. A free spirit. Otherwise why should he leave a cozy life in Cuba and go to Congo or Bolivia. He didn't went there not to relieve the country out of dictators. He went there to satisfy his inner self (hence an individualist) which abhorred any censor on freedom to a man.

I wish his spirit of freedom lives long. I wish people love his ideals more than his symbols. I wish people understand true Che.

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